January 4, 2020
February 12, 2020

You have learned that with a PMP certification you will become a skilled professional that employers will be looking for to help deliver value. This fascination has increased your curiosity to the extent that you are now researching or even exploring acquiring the certification.

From my experience, there are certain questions that a determined candidate will ask that will show their level of inclination on “Just curious”, “Still thinking” and “Determined & Ready”; I have eliminated the first two levels, I am considering the final level – “Determined & Ready”; because these are the candidates that may have even bought the PMBOK Guide, approached their employer for assistance or even promised in their annual performance that PMP is the next big thing they are pursuing this year.

There are ten questions, but I will quickly share five and answered them here to help you reach that decision point, so that you can start enjoying the benefits that earning a PMP certification brings…

What qualification/criteria do I need to meet to sit for this exam?

This is the question that holds many people back from attempting this certification, even though, they never ask….

It is true that Project Management Institute (PMI) recommends these requirements to be qualified for this exam.

  • Secondary degree (high school diploma, associate degree or the global equivalent)
  • 7,500 hours leading and directing projects
  • 35 hours of project management education OR CAPM certification


  • Four-year degree
  • 4,500 hours leading and directing projects
  • 35 hours of project management education OR CAPM certification

So, I take the equivalent education to mean, you have minimum of 3-5 year working experience, or with college education, yes, you can study and pass this certification exam.

I always encourage graduates, experienced professionals and those who have never attempted any certification test but have at least 5-10 years of working experience to give it a shot, because it always open doors of opportunities, as experiences have shown.

How can I pass this professional certification since I have never attempted a certification exam before now?

Good question…remember there is always a first time to everything, first time you drove a car, first time you taste a delicacy…and first time you received a paycheck, first time you received a promotion…..all these first time(s) bring its anxiety and pleasant memories….but you did not turn any of these opportunities down, now it has become part of your life experiences.

So I can assure you, there will be anxiety, but you will be learning from experts that wants you to succeed at all cost, all you need is the excitement that helped you taste that food for the first time, determination that helped you drove that car, for the first time and the joy of your first pay check…

You will have to study and understand the concepts and become familiar with these body of knowledge. They are not difficult, they are relatable. In your daily routine, you work with budget, resources, scope, procurement, contracts and quality, on this exam you will be taught how to apply tested standards to achieving excellent results.

Before now, you may have been doing it by trials and errors but after your certification test your perspective will be more refined, and everyone will see the difference. You will have tons of evidence to stand by your work.

With great excitement, strong determination and anticipated joy, you will definitely pass your PMP, so no need to be wary of anything.

How do I study, prepare and pass this examination?

If you have read some of the blogs on Project Managers Academy Inc, website, you would have come across a few the list recommended;

You can select from the list below;

  • College Prep
  • Bootcamp
  • Training Institutions
  • Self-study

The challenge you might face here could be the cost, time and other administrative requirements that might cost more time and more money.

Project Managers Academy Inc. is an online revision class that is free of these constraints, in fact, we offer PMP/CAPM online classes, on weekends, in the comfort of your own home. Right now, we have a deadline to meet for 4 audiences we just identified.

We are inviting you to our PMP Exam Intensive Online Revision Class in March 2020. The class will be on Saturdays for 8 weeks. It will not interfere with your secular work.

This intensive revision class has been carefully designed to help you study, prepare and pass your PMP exam with a thoroughly streamline schedule that will make it very simple for you to prepare and pass this certification exam.

Go to www.ProjectManagerSkills.com for registration information.

I am sure you must have seen the information before you download this PMP Study Plan

How can I study since I left school long time ago?

It is true, getting back into academic routine can be difficult after many years from classroom.

There is one consolation, if you still pay your bills and will like to keep paying it with relative ease, there will be no problem studying and preparing for this exam.

All it takes, is just proper attention to details, isolating key facts and solving real life problems with standardized solutions.

In one of our training videos, we shared the secret of retaining what you study; sharing an age-old technique recommended by educational psychologists a long time ago. The technique still works till date.

When you register for the PMP Intensive Online Revision Class, we will share this technique with you in detail and show you how to apply it in order to be successful.

Are there many practice questions?

During the online revision training sessions, we will expose you to several practice questions and help you understand a few tips and tricks that will help you manage your time efficiently on the PMP exam.

To your questions, the answer is yes. You will see quite a number within the study guide to help you remember what you have learned in class.

Please email admin@projectmanagerskills.com for any question, I will be glad to respond.

Where are the remaining five questions you promised? They are here.

Yes, I remembered promising ten questions, and I have answered five.

I will give you the link to download not just the remaining 5 questions and their respective answers, but there are many more useful practical information you need for your preparation; I will share practical steps you need to follow to complete your PMP registration PMI website.

I will share a simple yet, but tested study plan you can use to prepare and pass your PMP certification exam.

In fact, if you will like to pass PMP certification before June 2020, I have a standardized framework that will help you achieve just that.

As you reach your determination gradually I will to offer you a FREE gift that contain all this relevant information and many more. It is called FREE PMP Study Plan. For downloading alone, you will receive more than ten emails with revisions and reminder for the PMP certification exam. The Study plan provides information and other delightful free gifts, that will help you achieve you career dream goal.

Please hold on to your determination and keep persevering, in no time you will pass and earn your PMP certification.

Download the FREE PMP Study Plan to put the plan on the right path and with proper action.

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